Monday, November 11, 2013

Two Doctors and Volcano Day...

So it seems everyone has their random theories about how the upcoming season of Doctor Who will work out seeing as the new Doctor has been in a past episode of the show... So I thought what the heck I'd take a stab at it too... So here's my random theory...
 So the Tenth Doctor took Donna to see Pompeii... Turns out they have a bit of bad timing on the visit as it is 79AD... Volcano Day... Blah blah blah... we've all seen the episode (if not I suggest you watch it.... It is quite good and that gaping hole in your life will be filled :3 ) Now on to the insane fan theory...

Ok so Ten lands himself and Donna in Volcano Day... Unbeknown to Ten, Twelve happens to be there at that same time. Some how Twelve has gotten stuck here and taken on the life of Lucius Caecilius Lucundus (his "family" is actually his newest set of companions) as he tries to find a way to escape this place before the mountain explodes... Lucius/Twelve is walking in the market one day when he spots his TARDIS... He can't just walk up at take it though due to the cover he has created for himself and his companions so he in turn buys his TARDIS... Box is delivered to his house... He gathers his companions and they prepare to leave this place.... He opens the door and gets hit with a total Nine deja vu all over again.... The TARDIS has went all "Father's Day" on him... Being faced with nothing more than an empty box again he steps out of the box and takes a look around... Noticing that though it looks like his TARDIS it is in fact not "his" TARDIS (at this point Ten is discovering that his sexy has been sold) Ten pops up to see Twelve... Twelve knows he is seeing himself and is worried about the chances of creating a paradox... But then remembers that some time ago he was infact Ten standing in this very room and he did not know he was infact he and apparently no paradox was created because if there ha been one he would not had been around to become Twelve... Events of "Fires of Pompeii" play out... Ten runs in, Twelve calls out for him to save them. Ten continues into his TARDIS... Ten and Donna leaves... Twelves companions look at him... "Wow Doctor, who knew you could be so heartless." Twelve hugs onto his companions "Don't worry I will be back." They look at him as if he is about to go somewhere when the TARDIS reappears in front of them.... "Remember we are ancient Romans... So act like it" Twelve warns... Door opens... "Come with me." Ten flies off... Twelve stands there for a moment staring at where the TARDIS was just standing... A single tear falls down his cheek at the memory of the woman who convinced his younger self to come back... He then turns to his companions and tell them that they can't leave yet... They must journey on to Rome and stay there a bit  (end of Fires shows them in Rome 6 months later)... Upon the group leaving Rome about 7 or so months after Volcano Day, Twelve tells his companions that there is something that he must attend to alone... After dropping the group off in their respected times he travels to the "future" to see some one... He lands his TARDIS in a lovely little park in a quiet English town... He walks to this big light blue house with a white picket fence... He walks up and knocks on the door... Little boy answers... "Who is it Wilfred?" a voice calls out from another room. "Some man here to see grandma" the little boy calls back... The Doctor makes his way up the stairs to the bedroom at the end of the hall... On the bed he sees an old lady who appears to be very sick... He walks over to her as she tries to get out of bed... She makes her way over to a chair next to the window. He looks at her... "Donna I just wanted to say thank you one last time." he says as he puts his hand on her shoulder... (her memory returns ) He turns to leave. "Good bye Doctor" she calls to him... She watches him walk down the path and into the park. As he returns to the TARDIS he opens the door and looks back, Donna waves to him from her bedroom window, he waves back and then walks into the TARDIS... It takes off and Donna then peacefully passes on.


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